
二战回忆录 摘抄+翻译

在大学里上的国防课正在讲美国在二战中的参与,规定读物中有一本是一个美国士兵的回忆录。With the Old Breed by Eugene B. Sledge





1. (11.11.18 更新)

有一段是作者(Sledgehammer)的连的一个中校负重伤躺在支架上,两人在前线。中校(Lambert Cobber)的伤很重,已经非常虚弱了,很明显活不下去了,但是本人很冷静。作者试着安慰他,但是效果很糟糕。



(I knew he was going to die, and I wanted to cry.)


("Wish I could light that cigar for you Cobber, but the smoking' lamp is out.")


("That's OK, Sledgehammer.")


(I stood up and looked at a nearby group of beautiful pines silhouetted against the darkening sky. The wind blew their fresh scent into my face, and I thought how much like Southern pine it smelled. But poor, brave Lambert would never get back home again.)

2. (11.12.18 更新)




(As we sat alone i nthe machine-gun pit, he asked me whether I wanted to see a picture of Kathy. I said yes. He carefully and secretively picked up his rain-soaked combat pack and took out a waterproof plastic map holder. Folding back the canvas cover, he said, 'Here she is.' )


(My eyes nearly poped out of my head. The eight- by ten-inch photo was a full-length portrait of one of the most beautiful girls I ever saw. She was dressed, or undressed, in a scanty costume which exposed a good portion of her impressive physical endowments.)


(I gasped audibly, and "Kathy" said, 'Isn't she a beauty?')


('She really is!' I told him, and added, 'You've got a problem on your hands with a girl like that chorus girl and a wife you love.' I kidded him about the possible danger of getting the letters to his wife and hisgirl crossed up and in the wrong envelopes. He just laughed and shook his head as he looked at the photo of the beautiful girl.)


(The scene was so unreal I could barely believe it: two tired, frightened young men sitting in a hole beside a machine gun in the rain on a ridge, surrounded with mud--nothing but stinking mud, with so much decaying human flesh buried or half buried in it that there were big patches of wriggling fat maggots marking the spots where Japanese corpse lay--looking at the picture of a beautiful seminude girl. She was a pearl in a mudhole.)

3. (11.12.18更新)




(Every time I looked over the edge of that foxhole down into that crater, that half-gone face leered up at me with a sardonic grin. It was as though he was mocking our pitiful efforts to hang on to life in the face of the constant violent death that had cut him down. Or maybe he was mocking the folly of the war itself: 'I am the harvest of man's stupidity. I am the fruit of the holocaust. I prayed like you to survive, but look at me now. It is over for us who are dead, but you must struggle, and will carry the memories all your life. People back home will wonder why you can't forget.')

4. (11.13.18更新)




(We didn't talk about such things. They were too horrible and obscene even for hardended veterans. The conditions taxed the toughest I knew almost to the point of screaming. Nor do authors normally write about such vileness; unless tehy have seen it with their own eyes, it is too preposterous to think that men could actually live and fight for days and night on end under such terrible conditions and not be driven insane. But I saw much of it there on Okinawa and to me the war was insanity.)

5. (11.13.18更新)






(The dark figures rose up. Standing toe to toe, they leaned into each other and exchanged blows with their fists. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the struggling figures but could see little in the semidarkness and pouring rain. The mumblings and swearing became lourder and understandable, and we heard, 'You dumb jerk; gimme that range car. It's mine.' I recognized the voice of a man who had come into Company K before Okinawa)


('No it's not; it's mine. You betta gimme it. I don't take no crap from nobody.' The latter was the familiar voice of Santos, a Peliliu veteran. We all started in surpise.)


('Hey, you guys, what the hell's goin' on over there?' Growled an NCO.)


(The two struggling figures recognized his voice and immediately stopped hitting each other.)


('You two eightballs,' the NCO said as he went over to them. 'It woulda served ya right if we hada shot you both. We figured a Nip had got in your foxhole.')


(Each of the two battlers protested tha the other was the cause of all the trouble. The light was good by then, and some of us went over to their foxhole to investigate.)


('What's all the row about?' I asked)


('This, by God; nothin' but this!' snarled the NCO as he glared at the two sheepish occupants of the foxhole and handed me a range card.)


(I was puzzled why two Marines would squabble over a range card. But when I looked at the card, I saw it was special and unique. Impressed on it in lipstick was the ruby red imprint of a woman's lips. The men had found the unique card in a canister while breaking out ammo for the guns the prvious afternoon and had argued all night about who would keep it. Toward dawn they came to blows over it.)


(The NCO continued to chew them out, as I handed the card back to him and returned to my foxhole. we all got a good laugh out of the episode. I often wondered what that woman back in that ammunition factory in the States would have thought about the results of her efforts to add alittle morale booster for us in a canister of mortar ammo.)

6. (11.13.18更新)





The deaths ye died I have watched beside,

and the lives ye led were mine

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